Categories: Maintenance

Investing on Heating and Cooling Maintenance

Benefits of a Maintenance.

Should you invest on Maintenance for your heating and air conditioning system? The answer is yes! Most homeowners like to do the basics like vacuum out the furnace and components or wash the outdoor condenser and replace the air filters but theres more to a maintenance than that. A maintenance involves a technician to remove components like Ignitor, flame sensor, pressure switch, motors ect ect. Also the technician is on the look out for anything unusual like discoloration, wear and tear on components. A technician will know the sequence of operation. They will know when an ignitor will come on or when the blower motor should start up. 

There’s a lot to know about a furnace than just wiping it down and calling it a maintenance. A well rounded technician should be able to spot issues within the system and ask you, (the homeowner) questions if he or she see anything out of the ordinary. In some cases a technician will ask, does the furnace heat the house adequate and efficiently? if they see that the furnace maybe undersized for the size of the house. Another example, the return vent in the hallway maybe undersized for a the furnace. This will put a strain on the blower motor and make it inefficient including your air conditioner, if you have one. Things like this make a good technician.

When a yearly maintenance is performed on you HVAC system it keeps your heating and air conditioning running as efficiently as possible. Here are other benefits for getting a Maintenance:

1. Increases your home safety.

2. Maintain Good Air Quality.

3 Reduce the risk of Repairs or Breakdowns.

4. Pease of Mind During the Extreme Seasons.

When you hire a company to maintain your system you’re building trust with that company. You get to see them on a regular basis. You can count on them to be there for you, when you need their expertise anything to do with Heating and Air, to prioritize your service calls when in need of immediate assistance. 

There is more than just maintaining your HVAC System. #Maintenace

Please call Monteros Heating and Air and let us be there for You!!

Claudio Monteros

Published by
Claudio Monteros

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